Daisuke 'Pixel' Amaya, creator of Cave Story, was kind enough to let me interview him (via Email!).
yaaaaaaay!!!! :D
Note : Interview was in Japanese, and the answers have been altered to make them flow better. These are not Pixel's exact words.
First of all, I’d just like to thank you for taking the time to do this!
You’re welcome, I’m sorry for the late reply
I am very excited for the upcoming European release of Cave Story DSi. Was it challenging to put Cave Story on the DSi?
Thank you. Cave story DSi was mostly made by Nicalis. I hope
European people will enjoy it too, I am glad you are excited.
Originally soap.
I was going to make a common enemy with
hands, feet and wings, like a small propeller soap. Balrog was their boss. That
was the first Balrog.
Do you remember what the first video game you ever played was?
think it was Mario Bros and Xevious.
What is the deeper meaning of Jil Jil?
is nothing.
I say from the sense of language and association Jil Jil is
nothing, but I don’t know what you associate Jil Jil with overseas.
Are you going to remake Ikachan for DS?
Yay! :D
Last question, do you like ice cream?
is delicious on hot summer days. I don’t like it much, but I will eat it occasionally.
Thank you, Pixel!!!